
Showing posts from March, 2022


Miss Kate's Blog   My reflection C urrently, I am a novice when it comes to technology; especially blogs. I have spent a lot of time during this subject, already, exploring the possibilities, strengths and weakness' of web spaces. It is all very endless.  1. There are a range of benefits with web spaces and digital pedagogy within the classroom. Blogs can be pivotal into creating unique spaces in which students can view and explore while the teacher can edit and change templates, colours, images to suit all students. Blogger is a great platform to achieve this. It is simple to set up and create creative masterpieces that students can engage with. Blogger is a Google-owned site that can be linked to a Google account. Below is an instruction on how to view the 'Blogger' icon through a google account.   Blogger is s imple to use, even without technology skills (like...


You as a contemporary teacher? To what extent is it reasonable to conclude that if you are not experiencing positive or negative emotions about the materials and activities in any learning experience, that you are potentially disinterested or not motivated? DIscuss in relation to your first emotional response to the nature of this unit.  While negative emotions are frequently viewed as detrimental to motivation, performance and learning, there are always other factors based on this conclusion.  For myself, in this unit, the fear of the unknown leaves me with a sense of lack of motivation and fear. This creates a negative mind frame on the issue. Personally, I struggle with technology so my first thoughts were negative. I didn't know how to start and it was overwhelming discovering the content. Therefore, I believe it is not only motivation or disinterest that cause negative experiences.   Elaborate on your emotions on engaging further with this unit? Positive, n...


Who is the contemporary learner? How will the characteristics of our Gen Z learners depicted in the Meet GenZ video define their engagement in the traditional classroom snippet? Students in the Z generation do not have the attention span to be sitting there listening to a teacher for a whole lesson. They need to be stimulated and engaged with various audios, visuals and fun activities to keep their brains working. Teaching in the aspect of relevance will engage students.  Referring to the ideas presented by Willis and Robinson, is this level of creativity in evidence in the schools you have attended, both as a student, and as a preservice teacher? Furthermore, is this level of creativity in evidence in your University units? As secondary pre-service teaching students, you will experience a variety of approaches to teaching, learning and course design in your discipline studies. Why were your previous studies presented in that particular way? How could they have been presen...
 Yayyyyy!! First ever blog! :))